Message to TWU Local 100 Members on Hurricane Sandy from President John Samuelsen
Transit workers make the difficult look easy every day. But the enormous challenges we now face in getting New York’s lifeline back to normal will certainly test our mettle one more time.
We all hope and pray that you and your family are safe, and that your homes came through the storm without damage. My own home and community in southern Brooklyn are devastated by flooding and severe water damage.
This morning, vast parts of our transit system including tunnels, depots and yards remain partially submerged.
I have been in regular touch with transit management, which has expressed their gratitude for the amazing job you have already accomplished.
In the hours and days ahead, transit workers will once again demonstrate to the entire City of New York the level of professionalism and determination that enables you all to make the impossible seem routine.
We recognize that many of you may not be able to report to work, and we stand ready to address these issues in the days the ahead. Check the union website, Facebook and Twitter for alerts, reminders, etc.
Stay safe, stand strong. We will get through this latest challenge together.