Defending Retiree Benefits

How you may ask? It has been suggested by the mayor that transit retirees should not have a transit pass to ride the system that they, the retirees, have helped build, run and maintain for all of these years. As if taking away a transit pass from a retiree will fix the financial crisis the MTA finds itself in.
The recommendation made by Local 100 President John Samuelsen to use funding from the capital budget to help the MTA dig out of the hole it made for itself makes perfect sense. Not only to help retirees but also to maintain the passes of students, some of whom may very well be our grandchildren.
The Retirees Association is in the planning stages of joining our fellow Local 100 members in Albany to demand our fair share of funding not only for TWU members and retirees but for the riding public who detersives safe, clean and timely service.
Keep checking the TWU Local 100 website for details on how you can help our union fight back proposed cuts in service and cuts in your benefits.
If you would like to donate some time, call the Retirees Association at 212-873-6000 ext 2160